Digital Library – Adults
Don’t spend time Googling when you can directly link to the information you need. We’ve got government links, legal information, job search and training, health information, adult education, geneaology and general research. Plus we’ve got foreign languages, and downloadable books, movies, TV shows, and magazines!
Funding for Find It Virginia
Items with * are provided through Find It Virginia. Find it Virginia is provided by federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and ensures that all residents of the Commonwealth have equal access to essential resources for lifelong learning.
Downloadable and Streaming Items

Hoopla offers ebooks, eaudio, movies and TV, digital magazines, and music. Click on Hoopla Tutorial to learn more about how the app works.

Just For Kids*
Just for Kids gives children—and their parents—a thoroughly kid-safe, advertisement-free selection of educational and entertaining videos.

Newsbank Digital Newspapers
Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources from around the world to around the corner. Available remotely 24/7 on any device.

Magzter Library app*
Magzter Library allows libraries to give their readers access to best-selling digital magazines and newspapers from any part of the world.
Simply go to the app store for your device and search for Magzter Library, download the app, follow the steps to create your account, and start reading from a large collection of magazines.

Magzter by browser*
Sign Up for Magzter
- Click “Magzter by browser” to access by your computer’s internet browser. Click “Magzter Library app” to download an app to your phone or tablet.
- Click Continue with Library Card
- Enter your email
- Enter a 4 digit confirmation code that is emailed to you
- Search for Bedford Public Library System and click
- Enter your library card number
Language Learning


Transparent Languages*
Transparent Languages offers 110 different languages, and has special KidSpeak tutorials for younger learners. Create an account and start learning today!

Technology Learning

Ancestry for Virginians
Requires registering a free account with Ancestry

Library of Congress

Virginia Public Access Project
Health and Wellness

Child Mind Institute

Cleveland Clinic Health Library

Medline Plus

Mayo Clinic Research

Centers for Disease Control

National Alliance on Mental Health

Central Virginia Health District

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Job Training and Searching

Adult and Career Education

Universal Class*

Brainfuse JobNow*

Virginia Workforce Connection
Legal Information
Information for Veterans

Virginia Military Families*

Brainfuse VetNow*

Virginia Department of Veterans Services
Federal Government Websites and Federal Representatives in Government

US Census

Social Security Administration

Annual Credit Report
State Government Websites and State Government Representatives